Use "thing|things" in a sentence

1. Things can be divided into living things and non-living thing.

2. Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things. And no good thing ever dies.

3. It' s a very bad thing to heave things around.

4. Fenqing believe these three things are basically the same thing .

5. Might be the sensible thing to do, all things considered.

6. 3 For one thing,( being unappreciative doesn't help things change.

7. Concrete definition is - naming a real thing or class of things

8. Agonize -Thinking obsessively about a one thing or more than one things

9. And the self isn't the only thing; it's not even most things.

10. So when I buy one box of toaster pastries, am I buying one thing, four things, or eight things?

11. For one thing they must be involved in things like imitation and emulation.

12. Adjective [usually ADJECTIVE noun] If there is a Causal relationship between two things, one thing is responsible for causing the other thing.

13. So, a Biotic factor, put simply, is a living thing that affects other things

14. But the main thing we've got in common is we want the same things.

15. First things first, the crucial one thing is that ice Breaker sessions are fun

16. Attention is the cognitive process of selectively concentrating on one thing while ignoring other things

17. If one thing is Analogous to another, the two things are similar in some way

18. The existence of Boobs proves one thing: Guys can focus on two things at once

19. It's a good thing when doctors and scientists do things Clinically, because they're not only …

20. The shortest way to do many things is to only one thing at a time.

21. When two or more things, especially organizations, Amalgamate or are Amalgamated, they become one large thing

22. From booby Barmaids to yummy mummies, they’ve all got one thing – well, two things – in common

23. Adjective [ADJECTIVE noun] If a group of things is arranged in Ascending order, each thing is bigger, greater, or more important than the thing before it

24. The shortest way to do many things is to do only one thing at a time. 

25. That means, among other things, doing one thing at a time and in a well-founded way.

26. Apothegma: the people who get things done are the people who do one thing at a time

27. Adjacent definition: If one thing is Adjacent to another, the two things are next to each other

28. One thing that helped was educating myself about the bad things that smoking does to a person’s health.

29. 28 For one thing, they show a concern for the dietary, and possibly healing, properties of growing things.

30. An Antilogy (think anti-analogy) finds the difference between two things or activities: this thing over here functions in a way that is different from that thing over there

31. And the same thing applies to people who have collections of quite valueless things: baskets, keys, hats or whatever.

32. 25 Things are different now. I have to protect the one thing that I can't live without. That's you.

33. Chose translate: thing, affair, stuff, thing, thing

34. Conflation of A and/with B the act of putting two or more things together to make one new thing

35. “All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made” (John 1:3).

36. Preposition If something is Between two things or is in Between them, it has one of the things on one side of it and the other thing on the other side

37. “All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made” (John 1:1–3).

38. The Chose definition is to have picked one thing over another, to have selected something out of a group of things

39. Merriam-Webster’s online dictionary defines Bookending as: “to begin and end (something) with two similar things or with the same thing

40. And things Appendant must have belonged by prescription to another principal substantial thing, which is considered in law as more worthy

41. Because the thing is, we are so chauvinistic to biology, if you take away carbon, there's other things that can happen.

42. Bequest: Bequest is a noun which can refer to either the act of Bequeathing or a thing or sum of things bequeathed

43. Apart may be used as a noun to mean a person or thing that is recognizably different from other people or things

44. To consider individual things as sharing a common nature: The Cogitative faculty apprehends the individual thing as existing in a common nature.

45. Well, if we did the same thing, you tasted the same beer, now in the blind taste, things would look slightly different.

46. In the most important ways, without considering things that are less important synonym essentially I think we are Basically saying the same thing

47. Alongside (of) someone or something as compared with a person or a thing. (The things being compared need not be beside one another

48. To combine two or more things to form a single new thing He Conflates two images from Kipling’s short stories in the film

49. That is presidential boilerplate, the kind of thing White House speechwriters deliver whenever things look bleak and you have to rally the troops.

50. This thing doesn't do a damn thing.

51. The Greek poet Archilochus wrote, "the fox knows many things, but the hedgehog knows one big thing." There are many different interpretations …

52. It bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.

53. However, if a Christian “because of conscience toward God, bears up under grievous things and suffers unjustly, this is an agreeable thing” in Jehovah’s sight.

54. ] Now I don't wanna feel a thing Anymorei'm tired of begging for the things that I wantI'm over sleeping like a dog on the floor

55. And the other thing that's pretty cool about the technology is that it only transfers energy to things that work at exactly the same frequency.

56. 7 It bears all things,+ believes all things,+ hopes all things,+ endures all things.

57. Now, with the Eradicator Hexapod having pretty weak upgrades, it is usually better to focus on one thing instead of combining tons of different things.

58. Things concealed, things revealed (29)

59. Sorry, last thing was a slight Annoyment sarcastic thing

60. Cussing—It Can Be a Good Thing When Mach One Leadership teaches communication tools to healthcare providers, we always endeavor to keep things professional and courteous

61. Alongside definition: If one thing is Alongside another thing, the first thing is next to the second

62. Anything definition is - any thing whatever : any such thing

63. Damn thing!

64. Although they created many great games on the Atari ST and the Amiga, the revolutionary and original things they had done were a thing of the past.

65. 6 Only a despicably common ordinary things together with their families will automatically be converted into the world's most fun thing filled the hearts of the whole.

66. So one thing we have for that is like a grid align, kind of -- so you get that more traditional desktop. Things are kind of grid aligned.

67. "One thing that brings those things together is a strong jet stream, " says Brooks, "especially if it comes from the west or south-west, over the Rockies."

68. Busy adjective (DOING THINGS) A2 If you are Busy, you are working hard, or giving your attention to a particular thing: Mum was Busy in the kitchen.

69. 24 Joy and bliss can come from the little and most unexpected thing if only we program our mind to enjoy these little things. RVM 

70. The expression A rose is A rose is A rose is another way to say that a thing is identical to itself, and that things are themselves.

71. While some Bergere chairs play around with this definition, tweaking things here and there, one thing that all of them have in common is oodles of style

72. If you are thinking “Everything my boyfriend does Annoys me lately”, here are a few things to do so you can make this a thing of the past

73. It bears all things, . . . endures all things.

74. However, in porn, it seems like the gaping Asshole is a thing, a sought after thing, a desired thing

75. Thing One and Thing Two over there, that's the Santiago twins.

76. I fix things - - things others throw away.

77. Braeon is a thermoplastic ribbon that does the same thing, except it holds things together with a bond that, the outfit claims, is literally as strong as steel

78. Market capitalism is a sophisticated thing that calls for transparency, ethics and rules. Bush and his crowd gam-bled that some "new paradigm" meant these things were passe.

79. Normally, sickness is a normal thing, it's not a bad thing.

80. Except... funny thing.